Esteban Rendon

Password Generator

Password Generator Example

A simple web application that generates a random password powered by javascript and css for the styling. Click the "Generate Password" button and a series of prompts appears for character types to include in the password.

Generate Your Own Password!

Daily Planner

Day Planner Example

A great way to plan out your day! This daily planner has color coded time slots showing users what hours are still open to make plans and which are already in the past. JavaScript makes the application function, moment.js helps keep track of time for what's available on the schedule, and local storage saves user input and recalls the information.

Let's Plan Out Your Day!

Sun Tracker and Moon Phases

Sun and Moon Track Example

Always keep track of when the sun rises and sets simply by entering a zipcode. Along with the sun tracker we have a chart of the Moon and its phases for the current week and month. This JavaScript powered application uses an api to get location information based off the users input and returns exact times for when the sun will raise and set for the area. The moon tracker api provides the images of the moon phases for the month.

Keep Track of the Sun and Moon!

Anime-Q Watchlist


Need something new to watch? Sign up and check out a large library of animes and save them to your own personal watchlist! Anime-Q uses MySql, express, express-handlebars, express-session, and bcrypt. Users must first sign into the app, using bcrypt helps us protect their accounts. Once connected, they are able to store animes in a watchlist and the information is saved into the database. When users sign back in their personal lists will become available to them.

Start Your Watchlist Here!